Aug 19, 2009


Aug 19, 2009

This is how I feel like at the moment. Not only is it hot outside (worse on days the sun actually pierces through the thick smog layer), but it's warm in my apartment as well. The other day the electricity went out in half of my apartment because we have two AC units hooked up to the general electric line (excuse my non-technical terminology, I'm making things up as I go). I guess you're supposed to have a separate circuit just to accommodate AC units since they use up a lot of power. After my landlady's SO came to fix it, the unit in my room only blows out tepid air with occasional bursts of slightly cooler air. I might have to resort to what I used to do in Davis--go to walmart/Carrefour and enjoy the free AC there. Even though the weather here is comparable to South FL, the difference is there I am always scuttling between oases of AC'd air and I am never walking around outside in the sun longer than 20 minutes for entertainment (unless at the beach). Here the heat seems magnified--maybe bc there are around 20 million bodies all moving around and exhaling hot breaths. Well also because I've forced myself to wear long jeans everyday to avoid getting sacrificed to the mosquitos or "wen zi" here. Those suckers get me through my jeans even!

I saw this kitty yesterday morning and thought it was dead. It didn't move a muscle even with my foot hovering right over it (in an attempt to step over it, not ON it mind you). Nope, it was just too damn hot to bother getting out of my way. I feel ya puss, I feel ya.


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