She reported that she hadn't particularly noticed it. I asked because I have been seeing it all over SH: the popped collar. Now I'm accustomed to seeing this on the occasional youngster in the US as well as the occasional DB but I'll get into that in a bit. But here it seems anyone in a polo is prone to it, as evidenced by this fellow, who looked to me to be of fatherly age (although you can't tell from the photo above). I explained to my friend, "When I see this in the US I automatically think db," to which she replied, "What's a douchebag?" Obviously my Chinese must have improved because somehow I was able to explain it. I don't know how this look has been propogated here as "cool", perhaps just by virtue of being associated with the Western world.
Anyway, I don't know how much longer I'll have access to blogger. It seems other people using the same method as I haven't been able to get on in a while.
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