Aug 13, 2009

Test post

Aug 13, 2009

My building that I live in. It's right off a major road so there's easy shopping nearby. On my street corner there's a 24 hr mart and a produce stand where I also get breakfast in the morning occasionally. One cup of fresh soymilk and a "dan bing" or egg pancake is less than 50 cents. Theres also a Carrefour nearby, which is like a Chinese Walmart. I spent 1 hour walking around in there on Sunday, right after I got the keys to my apartment.


judy said...

Glad you are doing well! :) can you skype or ( we can video conference!!!)

ahjessicah said...

Yes I've tried skype-ing with my parents already...the only problem is the time difference. For East Coasters it's exactly the opposite (12 hr difference..I'm ahead).

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