Aug 24, 2009

Drip Drip Drop

Aug 24, 2009
This is not a shot of SF on a fog-filled day...speaking of which, I could really use some Bi-Rite
right now. This is Shanghai at 3pm on Sunday afternoon, and most afternoons lately. That gray mist-looking stuff is what happens when the heavens are rent in two and a deluge of water tries to swallow the earth whole. When it rains like this, there's no point in trying to walk anywhere. In 30 seconds you will be soaked up to your thighs.

It's pretty depressing-looking and I chose this shot because for the first time since I arrived I feel pretty miserable. I could tolerate the heat, the crowdedness, the occasional waftings of sewage-tainted air, but I've caught a cold since Saturday and it sucks. First I thought it was allergies, but I was scratching my cheek the other day and lo, (+) PAN. I was told that everyone who visits long enough in SH will get this cold around the 2 week mark, and what do you know...I'm due!! Being sick sucks already, but being by yourself and sick sucks more. Being sick and having to cancel your exploring plans sucks the most. This week should be a pretty light load so hopefully I'll have time to take it easy for a few days.

To end on a lighter note, check out this guy's furry friend perched just inside his ear. I tried to get as close as possible and the angle isn't the greatest. It was a lot hairier and bushier in person.


micho said...

not as clear as the short shots picture, keep working on those stealth shots....there's a ninja photographer badge waiting for you!

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